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Unclaimed EPS scripts

Use PharmData's unclaimed EPS scripts analyser to identify unclaimed and short-dated EPS prescriptions for your pharmacy, to help streamline your dispensary processes, save money and provide a great service to your patients.

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By analysing your pharmacy's EPS prescriptions, PharmData's analyser can help you improve your pharmacy business:

  • Identify unclaimed prescriptions - find prescriptions that your pharmacy has dispensed and have been collected, but not yet claimed for. On average, pharmacies in England can save over £150 per month by identifying unclaimed prescriptions with the PharmData analyser.
  • Identify short-dated repeatable prescriptions - did you know that repeat dispensing (RD) prescriptions are valid for 365 days from the original signature date? This means that for a Repeat Authorisation (RA) dated 1st of January 2020, with a batch of 12 prescriptions, where the 12th RD is dispensed on 23rd December 2020, the 12th RD must be claimed before 31st December 2020? The PharmData analyser identifies EPS repeatable prescriptions which are short dated, helping you to reduce expired scripts and loss of dispensing income.
  • Identify uncollected prescriptions - find prescriptions that have been misplaced or misfiled in the pharmacy, or forgotten about by patients. Your patients will appreciate the gesture, and you'll be able to save storage space and improve cashflow.
  • Identify and clean up owings - find prescription owings that are no longer required by the patient or are long-term out of stock. Identify owings which can be marked as "ND", allowing you to claim for the items that you have dispensed before the prescription expires.

Just like PharmData, our EPS analyser doesn't require any software installation, and you can access it from a web browser on any computer, smartphone or tablet. It takes less than 5 minutes to get started, and we provide full and simple instructions for you or your pharmacy staff to follow.

You can get instant access to a free trial by clicking the "Start now" button above. On average, pharmacies using the PharmData analyser save at least £150 per month, so we've fairly priced it at just £20 +VAT per month. Just like a premium PharmData subscription, there is no minimum term contract (so you can cancel at any time, for any reason) and you can sign up online instantly.

The PharmData unclaimed EPS analyser is compatible with every PMR system. We're making it easy for everyone to get the benefits of identifying unclaimed EPS prescriptions! You can get real world insights and real world analytics for your pharmacy to identify unclaimed prescriptions.